Working papers
Cross-State Strategic Voting —
Reject & Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Gordon Dahl,
Joey Engelberg
Runjing Lu
  SSRN link
NBER WP (older version)
We estimate that 3.1% of US voters, or 6.1 million individuals, were registered to vote in two states in 2020, opening up the possibility
for them to choose where to vote. Double registrants are concentrated in the wealthiest zipcodes and respond to both incentives and costs,
disproportionately choosing to vote in swing states (higher incentive) and states which automatically send out mail-in ballots (lower cost).
We call this behavior Cross-State Strategic Voting. While others have documented strategic incentives on who to vote for, this
paper is the first to consider strategic incentives on where to vote.
(with Carlos Avenancio-Leon and Troup Howard)
  SSRN link
We show that the politicization of the U.S. public safety net generated long-lasting political polarization along racial lines.
When knowledge about a policy's impact develops slowly, political parties can gain electoral advantage from politicizing group-neutral policies.
We model this politicization process and show that an ex-ante group-neutral policy can generate political polarization across different voter groups,
that polarization is larger for cohorts learning about the policy at its onset, and that polarization persists over time. Using voter roll data
for the entire U.S., we show empirically that the introduction of the Food Stamp program increased political polarization across racial groups,
that this racial polarization was larger for voters that experienced the FS rollout at its onset, and that this polarization persists today,
about a half-century later. More specifically, we show that individuals of voting age at the time of the program's rollout (1961-1975) diverge
along racial lines in their likelihood of voting and registering as Republicans or Democrats, with this divergence decreasing among younger
cohorts. Our design ensures that these findings are not driven by geographic or age-specific racial trends. Critically, these diverging political
patterns on average benefited Republicans. We also explore contemporaneous effects and additional contributing factors. First, we show that
access to the safety net also had short-run effects consistent with racial politicization on voter turnout, voter registration, and changes
in the ideological composition of Congress. Second, we explore the interaction between Food Stamps and contemporaneous events such as
the Voting Rights Act of 1965, religious prevalence, and recessions.
Celebrity Persuasion: This is not Financial Advice
(with Matteo Benetton, Marina Niessner and Jan Toczynski)
Investors increasingly look to social media for cryptocurrency news and investment
guidance. In this paper we combine survey responses and transaction-level data to
study how investors respond to real-world celebrity endorsements of cryptocurrencies
on Twitter. We find that investors appear to treat these celebrity tweets as financial
advice: controlling for crypto-related news, tweet days are associated with a 13.5%
higher probability that an individual invests in cryptocurrencies, with stronger effects
for men, wealthier, and older investors. Furthermore, market trading volume in the
target coin increases by 7% in the hour of the celebrity tweet. We also show that
the share of large Dogecoin trades (over $1,000) increases in the hours leading up
to the celebrity tweet and stays elevated for several days. Investors would have been
better off buying Bitcoin or Ethereum than the coin mentioned in the celebrity tweet.
Credit Guarantees and New Bank Relationships
(with Patricio Toro)
Government credit guarantees for bank loans direct vast volumes of credit and are the main policy tool used to improve firms' access to credit. This paper examines Chile’s credit guarantee scheme, which is similar to that of many OECD countries. Using a regression discontinuity design around the eligibility cutoff we find that guarantees more than double firms' borrowing without detectable increases in default rates. We also show that banks use guarantees to build new borrower relationships, an important and poorly understood process. The scheme also has an amplification effect: firms increase borrowing from other banks following a guarantee. Finally, we show that firms use the credit increase to significantly scale up their sales and employment. The fact that guarantees are not a common pool resource in this policy design is critical to understanding these results.
8. Political Sentiment and Innovation: Evidence from Patenters
Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming)
Joey Engelberg,
Runjing Lu
Rick Townsend
  SSRN link
We document political sentiment effects on U.S. inventors. Democratic inventors
are more likely to patent (relative to Republicans) after the 2008 election of Obama
but less likely after the 2016 election of Trump. These effects are at least twice as
strong among politically active Democrats and are present even within firms and
within firm × technology. We also show that partisans tend to cluster in technologies
(e.g., Democrats in Biotechnology and Republicans in Weapons), so that sentiment
effects aggregate up to more patents in the technologies dominated by the winning
7. Partisan Entrepreneurship
Journal of Finance (forthcoming)
Joseph Engelberg,
Jorge Guzman
Runjing Lu
  SSRN link
  SocArXiv link
Republicans start more firms than Democrats. In a sample of 40 million party-identified Americans between 2005 and 2017, we find that 5.5% of Republicans and 3.7% of Democrats become entrepreneurs. This partisan entrepreneurship gap is time-varying: Republicans increase their relative entrepreneurship during Republican administrations and decrease it during Democratic administrations, amounting to a partisan reallocation of 170,000 new firms over our 13-year sample. We find sharp changes in partisan entrepreneurship around the elections of President Obama and President Trump, and the strongest effects among the most politically active partisans: those that donate and vote.
- Best Paper Prize in Corporate Finance at the 2022 MFA Conference
- Best Paper Prize at the 2021 Colorado Finance Summit
*. Social Media and Finance (review article)
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (forthcoming)
Tony Cookson,
Marina Niessner
  SSRN link
Social media has become an integral part of the financial information environment, changing the way financial information is produced, consumed and distributed. This article surveys the financial social media literature, distinguishing between research using social media as a lens to shed light on more general financial behavior and research exploring the effects of social media on financial markets. We also review the social media data landscape.
6. The Social Signal
Journal of Financial Economics (2024)
Tony Cookson,
Runjing Lu
Marina Niessner
  SSRN link
  Data (PC1s, 2012-2021)
We examine social media attention and sentiment from three major platforms: Twitter, StockTwits, and Seeking Alpha. We find that, even after controlling for firm disclosures and news, attention is highly correlated across platforms, but sentiment is not: its first principal component explains little more variation than purely idiosyncratic sentiment. Using market events, we attribute differences across platforms to differences in users (e.g., professionals versus novices) and differences in platform design (e.g., character limits in posts). We also find that sentiment and attention contain different return-relevant information. Sentiment predicts positive next-day returns, but attention predicts negative next-day returns. These results highlight the importance of considering both social media sentiment and attention, and of distinguishing between different investor social media platforms.
- Best Paper Prize in Investments and Asset pricing at the 2023 MFA Conference
- Best Paper Award 11th Michigan State FCU Conference, 2022
5. Unconventional Monetary Policy Transmission and Bank Lending
Management Science (2024)
Anne Duquerroy
Christophe Cahn
  SSRN link
SocArXiv link
Firms with only one bank relationship make up the majority of firms in many economies. This paper explores whether policy-driven lending is differentially transmitted to single-bank firms in comparison with the multibank firms that are the focus of the literature. Using unique variation in the ECB’s very long-term refinancing operations (VLTROs), which affected lending to firms discontinuously across credit ratings but within banks, we find selective transmission of VLTRO liquidity to single-bank firms. Banks apply higher lending standards to single-bank firms, with banking relationships determining both new lending and lending maturity. By contrast, banks appear to transmit policy lending near-uniformly across multibank firms.
- Best Paper Prize at the Colorado Finance Summit
4. Echo Chambers
Review of Financial Studies (2023)
Tony Cookson
Joey Engelberg
  SSRN link
SocArXiv link
We find evidence of selective exposure to confirmatory information
among 300,000 users on the investor social network StockTwits.
Self-described bulls are 5 times more likely to follow a user with a
bullish view of the same stock than self-described bears. This
tendency is strong even among professional investors and is more
pronounced on earnings announcement days. Placing oneself in an
information “echo chamber” generates significant differences in the
newsfeeds of bulls and bears: over a 50-day period, a bull will see 70
more bullish messages and 15 fewer bearish messages than a bear over
the same period. Selective exposure creates “information silos” in
which the diversity of received signals is high across users’
newsfeeds but is low within users’ newsfeeds. Finally, we show that
this siloing of information is positively related to trading volume.
- Best Paper Prize in Asset Pricing at the 2021 WFA conference
- Best Paper Prize in Markets and Trading at the 2021 MFA Conference
- Kahle Family Research Excellence Award Winner 2024, UC Boulder
- First Prize, 2021 CQA academic competition
3. Partisan Fertility and Presidential Elections
American Economic Review: Insights (2022)
Gordon Dahl
Runjing Lu
  SSRN link
SocArXiv link
Co-author video
Changes in political leadership drive large changes in economic
optimism. We exploit the surprise 2016 election of Trump to identify
the effects of a shift in political power on one of the most
consequential household decisions: whether to have a child.
Republican-leaning counties experience a sharp and persistent increase
in fertility relative to Democratic counties: a 0.7 to 1.4% increase
in annual births, depending on the intensity of partisanship.
Hispanics, a group targeted by Trump, see fertility fall relative to
non-Hispanics, especially compared to rural or evangelical whites.
Further, following Trump pre-election campaign visits, relative
Hispanic fertility declines.
2. Does Partisanship Shape Investor Beliefs? Evidence from the
COVID-19 Pandemic
Review of Asset Pricing Studies (2020)
Tony Cookson
Joey Engelberg
SSRN link
SocArXiv link
sentiment time series
We use party-identifying language – like “Liberal Media” and “MAGA”–
to identify Republican users on the investor social platform
StockTwits. Using a difference-in-difference design, we find that the
beliefs of partisan Republicans about equities remain relatively
unfazed during the COVID-19 pandemic, while other users become
considerably more pessimistic. In cross-sectional tests, we find
Republicans become relatively more optimistic about stocks that
suffered the most from COVID-19, but more pessimistic about Chinese
stocks. Finally, stocks with the greatest partisan disagreement on
StockTwits have significantly more trading in the broader market,
explaining 28% of the increase in stock turnover during the pandemic.
1. How do CEOs see their roles? Management Philosophies and Styles in
Family and non-Family Firms
Journal of Financial Economics (2016)
Antoinette Schoar)
  SSRN link
Non-technical summary
Appendix 1
Survey Appendix
Appendix 2
Using a survey of 800 Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in 22 emerging
economies, we show that CEOs' management styles and philosophies vary
with the ownership and governance structure of their firms. Founders
and CEOs of firms with greater family involvement display a greater
stakeholder focus and feel more accountable to employees and banks
than to shareholders. They also have a more hierarchical management
approach, and see their role as maintaining the status quo rather than
bringing about change. In contrast, CEOs of non-family firms emphasize
shareholder-value-maximization. Finally, firm-level variation in
ownership is as important in explaining management philosophies as
cross-country or industry-level differences.
Case Studies
Unrest in Chile - HBS Case Study (2020, rev. 2023)
In 2020, Chileans would head to the ballot box to decide their
country’s future. Many international observers credited Chile’s
decades of neoliberal governance with turning the country into Latin
America’s “Tiger,” a prosperous, diversified economy on its way to
becoming the continent’s first developed country. But in October of
2019, a mass protest movement ground the country to a halt and shocked
its political class, showing the world a different Chile—one defined
by inequality, social distrust, and a young generation of political
activists. As Chile prepared to vote in the fall of 2020 on whether to
adopt a new constitution, could it sculpt a more equitable society
while remaining “the exception” on a continent known for its political
instability? Or would Chile’s prosperity go the same way as its
neoliberal experiment?
Walmart Chile After the Unrest: Doubling Down or Pulling Out? - HBS Case Study (2021, rev. 2022)